Time to Shake Things Up

by | August 3, 2012 | Life Lessons

One month ago today, I posted my first blog. The site wasn’t actually public until a couple of days later, but I’m using today as the blog’s birthday since my first message was posted on July 3. As I explained in one of the early entries, another author had recommended that I post six days a week. It apparently improves your standing in search engine results.

I have always been someone who values quality over quantity.  I also like to mull over my writing a little more than I have been lately. So I’ve decided to reduce the frequency of my posts just a little. I still plan to post a few times a week, but without a set schedule.

As someone who is easily overwhelmed by too many emails in my inbox, my guess is that attention is diluted when my notifications come six days a week. Plus, rigid schedules and I have never gotten along well for long. This thing is mine, and I can do it however I want to — how liberating!

I have been amazed at how much I’ve enjoyed the creative freedom that blogging affords. I’m ready to experiment with other outlets now. Twitter is next on my list.  I’ve also been advised to set up an author’s page on Facebook. I’ll keep you posted on those developments.

Let me know what you think! Any suggestions on the format or frequency of the blog? Are there certain days of the week that you are more likely to read a blog post (on the weekend, for instance?) Are there topics you’d like to hear more about? Do you tweet? Leave a comment (and thanks for your incredible support thus far)!


SIY Global Certified Teacher
Positive Intelligence Certified Coach

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