May Photo Challenge Report Part 1

by | May 9, 2019 | Mindful Photography, Motivation

Tulips on the Grounds of the Goodstone Inn, Middleburg, VA

Greetings from the midst of a full and fulfilling month of May!

Between the daily writing I do for the 30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge in process this month and my #MarthasMayPhotoChallenge project, plus other balls in the air, I haven’t had a lot of bandwidth for additional writing.

But I miss connecting with you, so thought I’d share the photos I’ve been posting on Facebook and Instagram for the photo challenge. I’ve also learned this month that changes in algorithms make it more difficult for my posts to show up in feeds as frequently, another reason to share them here!

If you have been posting photos for the challenge but haven’t seen responses from me, it means I’m not seeing them! Make sure you add #MarthasMayPhotoChallenge to your post so that I can search for your photos. Also, on Instagram I am posting my photos in the stories section, not in my regular feed. They are all stored in the highlights section under my bio. Click the bubble labeled “Photo Challenge.” Shoot me a note if you’re having difficulty with the social media part of the challenge, or just email me your finds!

I’m SO enjoying being back in the saddle with a daily photography practice during this most magical time of year. The challenge (and the accountability it provides) forces me to stay in tune with nature, take myself outside no matter what, remember why my garden has always been such a source of inspiration for me, and provides an outlet for my creative energy to fly all while grounding me in the present moment — the most powerful place there is. Thanks for being part of the process!

As always, let me know your favorites!

Day 1/31 — And we’re OFF! Since I want to share my photo in the morning to get the momentum going, I will be posting a photo I took the previous day throughout this challenge. Why did I choose this shot from the 100+ I took yesterday at the Goodstone Inn in Middleburg, VA? It evoked the most emotion. The other flowers were perky and pretty, but this one seemed so dejected. Good reminder to actually tune in to the other person’s response when you ask, “How are you?”

Day 2/31 — Noticed this little columbine completely surrounded by a neighboring monster perennial, still blooming her little heart out despite the squeeze.

Day 3/31 — I remember back in early 2014 when someone replied to one of my 365 photo-a-day images “nice bokeh”. I didn’t know what that meant (it’s a little provocative sounding, don’t you think?). Bokeh is the fuzzy backdrop with glowy starburst effects in the background created with a shallow depth of field camera setting (in this shot, the soft pinks and purples are created by a lilac bush behind the iris). Feeling grateful today for the many ways nature feeds our creativity.

Day 4/31 — A year (or two?) ago, a friend asked me if I had blue images that would fit a decorating scheme. True blue flowers are a rare find in nature, so now my eye is ultra sensitive to these fleeting butterflies. Pretty sure this one is Lithodora diffusa ‘Star’.

Day 5/31 — What do you see? I see a big stretch to the right, arms over the head, feeling the tension release. Or maybe a swaying dance move celebrating the azaleas in the background.

Day 6/31 — Noticing I’m becoming more of a fair weather photographer. Accepting that development and being OK with “good enough for a rainy day.”

Day 7/31 — I’ve watched this peony plant bloom for over a decade. This is the first time I’ve seen the equivalent of a Cruella De Vil blossom. I love nature’s surprises!

Day 8/31 — This iris transformed from tight bud to THIS gorgeousness overnight. Quantum growth is happening all around us, and perhaps even inside us if we are paying attention! An early sunbeam reflected off the newborn petal during my Q&A with my 30-Day meditation challenge conference call group yesterday morning. By the time I got outside with my camera, the sun had shifted by just an inch or so, reducing the glow a tad but still sharing enough energy to celebrate the new arrival in the garden.

Day 9/31 — Inside an allium. Sometimes you need to approach a big complicated thing in very small portions.

So that’s the status report as of Day 9/31 of #MarthasMayPhotoChallenge! Can you envision any of these on your wall?

And hey — how do you like the sweet little notecard set I put together after my birthday artist date photo shoot in Washington, DC? It’s not yet up on, but I’m happy to set you up if you need some gifts or a new supply of gratitude vehicles.

New Cherry Blossoms in DC Notecard Set!

Hope you are enjoying May as much as I am! More soon!

SIY Global Certified Teacher
Positive Intelligence Certified Coach

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