“Motivation molasses.” I had jotted these words down on a post-it note recently, with no mention of where I had heard them. Specifically, I had written “July/August = motivation molasses.”
How many journaling entries or blog posts had I written over the years about that feeling? The lack of structure, more family time, more travel, less time for work (however you define work), intentions out the window. It’s just harder to stick with a program of any kind during the summer, right?
This year I surrendered to summer, leaning into the reality of slower rhythms, prioritizing time with family and friends and dialing back expectations about my productivity. I set my intention to savor my summer opportunities with full presence and gratitude.
As we turn toward September, I feel a sense of excited anticipation. I have surfed enough seasonal transitions to know that I have the tools to set my course for the rest of the year with fresh inspiration.
Three Steps to Surf Smoothly Into the New Season
Step 1: Set Clear Intentions
Having accomplished my first half of the year goal of launching my PQ © Mental Fitness coaching offerings, my second half of the year priority is to strengthen my personal health and wellness habits and systems. I turn 60 next spring and want to step into the starting gate of my “third act” of life as strong and balanced as I can be in mind, body and spirit.
Step 2: Notice What Pulls Me Off Track
The Mental Fitness operating system that I have added to my personal toolbox has revealed that my top inner saboteurs are Pleaser, Hyper-Achiever, and Restless. All three of these sneaky characters lead me astray when it comes to my health and wellness objectives. (If you’re curious about your own saboteurs, take a quick assessment here.) Shining a light on our saboteurs is like pulling the curtain back on the Wizard of Oz (fun finding this blog post I wrote back in 2012!).
Step 3: Stay Focused on What’s Most Important
Staying focused on what’s most important in our lives is pretty much the overarching theme of all of my work. For the purposes of this short post, one “in the moment” tool that I use almost every day at some point or another is the Three Breaths Practice:
1) Take a breath, gathering your attention on the sensory feel of the inhale and exhale;
2) Take another breath, relaxing the body just a little more on the exhale;
3) Take a third breath, then drop in the question, “What’s most important right now?”
What bubbles up in the stillness that you have created in the span of just three mindful breath cycles? For example, if I’ve set the intention to make it to a fitness class, being on time for that is more important than squeezing in one or two more emails (Hyper-Achiever driven) or social media checks (Restless or, for some, Avoider driven).
I hope these tips help you shake off the motivation molasses that you may have found yourself swimming through this summer. Rather than beat yourself up about what you may not have accomplished, shower yourself off with empathy and turn with fresh curiosity toward the new season.
If you could use some accountability and coaching to help you clarify your goals, keep you on track, and strengthen your skills to live life with more ease and flow, check out my Mental Fitness offerings here or schedule a complimentary 30-minute call. I’d love to support you!