Rekindling Connection to Our Pure Essence

by | May 14, 2024 | Life Lessons, Mental Fitness, Mindfulness

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When was the last time you surrendered to joy like you used to do as a child? Most of us lose this connection to our pure joy-filled essence sometime along the road to adulthood. But the flame of that essence we were born with never goes out. It just gets buried by layers of socialization and unprocessed life situations.

My gift to you today is a 2-minute slide show (with music!) to rekindle that connection.

Everly, the star of the show, is just shy of six years old. She and her parents gave me permission to photograph her on her beloved tree swing for me to practice with my new camera. We are headed to the Galapagos Islands and the Ecuadorian Amazon, and I want to be ready for whatever wildlife my lens might meet.

From Camera Practice to Spiritual Lessons

Everly’s sparkling energy was contagious. She is strong, confident, beautiful, and just the right amount of wild. After several minutes of basic swinging, held securely by a thick arm of the magnolia tree, she said, “Watch this!” She set herself up then launched like a Cirque du Soleil performer into a rapid spin, giving me the perfect opportunity to test out my focus capabilities (my own and the camera’s).

The tree is the co-star of this production. One of my favorite images captures the trunk in clear focus in the background, calmly observing the blur of exuberant little girl legs. And just look at those roots! Strength born of age and resilience, holding firm.

Everly was my presence teacher (BE the joy in this moment!). The tree modeled how staying grounded supports those we love and care about.

Along with these universal mindfulness lessons, something tugged at an even deeper, more personal part of me. A small whisper compelled me to find a photo album that I hadn’t looked at in years. I gasped audibly when I found this picture tucked inside. I would have been just about Everly’s age.

Thank you, Everly, for reminding me who I am, a girl who also used to spin on swings with utter abandon so many decades ago. This is the girl who whispers in my ear to point me towards joy, curiosity, and exploration, the girl who loves to continue to grow, learn, and surrender.

Spinning doesn’t serve my body anymore, but I have countless other ways to experience the magic of life in the decades to come. I’m setting the intention now to check in more often with what that little girl needs, what excites her, and where I can surrender just a little bit more.

Who or what reconnects YOU with your inner child? Who or what inspires you to surrender to joy? What is your pure essence calling you to explore?

SIY Global Certified Teacher
Positive Intelligence Certified Coach

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