Galapagos Sea Lion Encounters

by | June 14, 2024 | Life Lessons, Mindfulness, Mindfulness in Nature

Photos: Martha Brettschneider / Damselwings Photography

Playful. Curious. Chill. These are the words you’ll hear over and over again when people describe their Galapagos sea lion encounters.

Whether wrestling each other with their lumbering bodies, napping on the beach, or swirling and twirling just inches away from us while we snorkeled, the sea lions’ enjoyment of their moment-to-moment experience was utterly contagious.

If you didn’t catch the first bite of what will be a series of shares about our recent trip to the Galapagos Islands before we headed to the Ecuadorian Amazon, check it out here.

With 97 percent of the Galapagos Islands designated as a tightly protected national park and UNESCO World Heritage site (you are required to have a local guide with you at all times), the wildlife has become very comfortable with humans. I kept a respectable distance with my 200 mm zoom lens for most of these shots, but the sea lions truly couldn’t care less about us.

So again I come back to those words — playful, curious, and chill. Since energy is contagious (even through photographs!), and because I’ve written before about the benefits of playfulness, my gift to you today is an infusion of sea lion energy.

Fun side note for an even deeper energy share: spiritual symbolism and meanings attributed to sea lions include adaptability, community, curiosity, opportunity, spunk, playfulness, joy, and transformation (

Sea Lion Energy Images

On our first evening on San Cristóbal Island, dozens of sea lions shared the sunset viewing spot with human visitors. This friend was particularly chatty.

When I was stranded on a beach recovering from motion sickness while the rest of the group hiked up a rocky incline, I woke from my hour-long nap to find this curious youngster approaching me from the sea.

Mama wasn’t too far behind, just keeping an eye on us.

At Española Island’s Gardner Bay, the joy of a roll in the sand.
Time for a nap.

I loved how comfortable the sea lions were with their big bodies on land, glumping along with confidence, their heads held high.

True Essence Viewed Below the Surface

This post wouldn’t be complete without a taste of our underwater experience with the sea lions, which was one of the many high points of our trip. As I shared in my first installment, I surrendered myself to the sea on our first full day of the cruise when I was so motion sick, following an instinct that the cold water would help my body reset.

What truly took me out of myself and kick-started my healing process were the sea lions who surrounded us within minutes of our first snorkeling excursion, inviting us to play.

Video credits to Mark, Cody, and Jacob Gardiner

Awe, wonder, and delight snapped me into full presence. The sense of connection with the more-than-human world pulled me out of my body’s struggles and recharged my drained batteries. This transformative, gratitude-filled encounter powered me up for the rest of the trip.

Afterwards, as I thought about the stark difference between how sea lions present on land vs. their grace and lightness of being under water, I wondered what I didn’t see about people I encounter in my life. I may see one facet of them, but not their true essence if I don’t make the effort to be truly present with them. The sea lions reminded me of the gifts of making the extra effort to go below the surface.

All of us have grace and lightness of being within us. The question is whether we are brave enough to show this side of ourselves to others and, indeed, lead our lives with that light.

If you would like to hone your presence skills and increase your access to joy, calm, and clarity, check out my June 2024 programs — my virtual 30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge starting on June 17 and my Secret Garden Reset Half-Day Retreat in Chantilly, VA, on June 30.

SIY Global Certified Teacher
Positive Intelligence Certified Coach

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