Photo: Martha Brettschneider/Damselwings Photography When was the last time you had a laugh-out-loud ah ha moment? This week the Universe finally got me to read its "Flow" memo, and I did,...
Shifting Perspective On Turbulent Waters
Photo credits for all images in this article: Martha Brettschneider / Damselwings Photography Standing on the coast of the Baja Peninsula of Mexico, I soaked in the power of the waves...
A Boulder of Gratitude
“You and I are both held up by dead things.” I said these words out loud with my hand on the boulder in this photograph, which I came across meandering in Colorado's Rocky Mountains this...
Connecting Our Lights With PQ Mental Fitness
Photo: Martha Brettschneider / Damselwings Photography Who says you can’t teach old dogs new tricks? Like all assumptions that limit our personal growth, this is a lie. My sisters and I...
My Favorite Aspens From 2023
If you have been following my work for a while, you know that trees have become important teachers for me over the course of my mindful photography journey. It started with feeling an...
Shining a Light on Our Shadows – Lessons from the Aspen Trees
Aspen trees have been speaking to me this year. Our conversation started back in June, when I was on silent retreat at the Rocky Mountain Eco Dharma Center in Colorado. Since I pack away...
Surfing the Seasons With Intention, Awareness, and Focus
Photo: Martha Brettschneider “Motivation molasses.” I had jotted these words down on a post-it note recently, with no mention of where I had heard them. Specifically, I had written...
Waiting Mind
Photo: Martha Brettschneider/Damselwings Photography The sound of her weathered hiking boots hitting the dirt trail alternated with the lighter taps of her trekking poles as she made her...
Moose Meditation and Other Lessons From Awake in the Wild 2023
Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center Nature helps us find the way out of the prison of our mind. ~ Eckhart Tolle The moose didn’t notice me sitting on the glacial boulder just about 20...
A Day of Connection at Our Secret Garden Reset Retreat
Photo credits for this post go to Melissa Maillett Photography I am still buzzing with gratitude and the heightened sense of connection and aliveness that follows our mindfulness in nature...
When Letting Go Helps You Find Your Own Course
I put my photography on the back burner this year. It had become too commercially driven for my comfort level. The sense of wonder, mindful connection with nature, and playfulness that...
We Are Called to Evolve
I surprised a friend recently when I told her that I was hiring someone to do my spring garden clean-up this year. This friend has known me for twenty years, so she knows that in an...