Damselwings Evolution

Martha leaning against an end table wearing a long dark-colored cardigan with one hand in her pocket.Damselwings was born from heart whispers that first inspired me to write about my path to mindfulness in Blooming into Mindfulness: How the Universe Used a Garden, Cancer, and Carpools to Teach Me That Calm Is the New Happy. Once the book took flight, unexpected doors opened with requests to speak, teach, coach, and guide.

Today my passion to inspire mindful living and personal flourishing is stronger than ever. New flowers have grown in the garden of my business offerings, with Damselwings continually evolving.

Damselwings has grown as I’ve composted the challenges of my personal journey into new gifts and creative offerings for you (even my logo has evolved!)…

Surrendering to the flow of my life wasn’t easy at the beginning. I had to first let go of my fancy international economist identity, which still clung to me years after leaving my career to raise my kids.

I had to silence the inner critic that tried to hold me back from putting my story and new offerings into the world.

I had to train my brain to trust my intuition and call out the lies of fear-based limiting beliefs. I had to cultivate resilience, stay curious, and not be afraid to follow joy.

My programs

Because daily mindfulness meditation practice was such a powerful component of my transformation journey, I created my 30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge and 15-Day Meditation Refresh virtual programs to provide practical guidance and sustained accountability to what has become our beautiful community of morning meditators.

Fascinated by the neuroscience of mindfulness and its supportive role at work as well as at home, I became a Certified Teacher of the Search Inside Yourself (SIY Global) curriculum, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence training program born at Google and supported by neuroscience.

hand-drawn stick figure with zig-zag lines for emphasizing going crazy

Portrait of Martha Pre-Mindfulness

To build my skills for the small group and 1:1 coaching that I love to provide, I became a certified PQ® Mental Fitness Coach to facilitate Shirzad Charmine’s Positive Intelligence training program, a synthesis of the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.

Even with rigorous certifications to back up my professional work, my personal journey is my deepest value added. Whether you feel scattered, stuck, unfulfilled, unfocused, or unmoored in your life (and maybe it’s a little of all of these), I get it, because I’ve been there.

My greatest joy is to guide fellow journeyers to a smoother, more easeful, and happier path. Are you ready to explore new ways of being?