Four weeks have passed since we returned from Iceland. Many of you have been asking for photos. To be honest, I’m still processing the experience, both internally and many of the photos themselves.
The two weeks we spent making our way around Iceland’s ring road feels like a sustained breathless moment. I can’t remember ever spending such an extended period time in pure awe. It was a family trip with tight deadlines, not a “photography trip.” This meant I was rarely able to choose the time of day for the best lighting or just stay at one location as long as I would have liked.
AND it was still good enough. So much more than good enough.
If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll know that landscape photography is outside of my comfort zone. Iceland offered me the opportunity to expand my practice from the focused attention of macrophotography to the open awareness required for the expansiveness of this country’s natural wonders.
Dacher Keltner, Founder of Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center researches the power awe. He describes it as a self-transcendent state, “The feeling when you encounter vast mysteries. You don’t understand things, and they are big.”
Here’s a sample of awe inspiring moments, which I’ll leave untitled intentionally. I invite you to feel the images rather than think about them (this is a mindfulness exercise, not a travel blog).

And….exhale fully.