Hi folks! Last night I returned from Atlanta after a powerful speaking event with the marketing firm Communique´ USA, Inc. My friend Shani Godwin, President & CEO of Communique´,...
Water Lily and Lotus Blossom Photographs From My Artist Date
Earlier this week I took myself on an artist date and visited Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens in Washington, D.C. I was on the hunt for water lily and lotus blossom photographs, since...
How Mindfulness Skills Saved a Vacation When Illness Hit
It’s vacation season, a time of year when it can be challenging to maintain a daily meditation practice in the midst of competing travel schedules, house guests, and general lack of...
The Science Behind Why Friends Matter (repost)
This photo, taken a few days ago for #MarthasJulyJoyPhotoChallenge, reminded me once again how much I cherish my friends. I didn't know what would emerge from the unassuming dahlia tubers...
Photography as Mindfulness Exercise: Lessons from My Daylilies
I'm coming back to my roots this month, using photography as a daily mindfulness exercise to supplement my formal meditation practice. It's been a while since I've taken on a month-long...
Mindfulness Activities in the Garden
In these early days of summer, as I ease into a less structured schedule, the power of less structured mindfulness activities (those beyond the meditation cushion, bench, or chair)...
New Meditation Kick-Start Program for Teens!
30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Kick-Start Program for Teens It’s finally here! In response to multiple requests for a mindfulness meditation program for teens, and after polling teens...
How Mindfulness Convinced Me I’m Not a Loser Mom
We’re sliding into the final days of my current 30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge. By complete “coincidence,” the topics we’ve been discussing during our daily post-meditation...
Practicing Mindfulness By Standing Up to Hate
What a week it’s been for practicing mindfulness. Vandals painted the “N” word on LeBron James’ Los Angeles home, a white supremacist in Portland, Oregon, killed two men and injured a...
New Photographs from My Spring Garden
I am long overdue sharing new photographs. Here are just a few favorite spring flower photographs that I've taken in my garden in recent weeks, in between my other mindfulness endeavors....
How to Use Mindfulness When You’re Mad
Hi folks! This Monday (May 15, 2017) I started a new round of my 30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge. I'm already chewing on changing the name of this program the next time I offer it....
New Photography Shop (almost!) and Meditation Program Reminder
Hi folks! I'm a little late with this week's post since I've been working day and night to get my new photography e-commerce site up and running. I wanted to wait until everything was...