Since January 20th, I have been to three political demonstrations: the Women’s March on Washington, a protest in front of the White House against our new president’s executive order to ban...
Mindful Activism: How the Women’s March on Washington Transformed Me
Something shifted in me at the Women’s March on Washington. I used to think that I wasn’t wired for political action, that other people did that better than I could. The negative emotional...
New Huffington Post Piece in Advance of The Women’s March on Washington
Yes, I'm taking the unusual step of sending out two posts in one week! But I wanted to make sure you didn't miss my new Huffington Post piece on how to approach tomorrow's Women's March on...
New Offerings Coming Soon!
Greetings, friends! I’m finally back on my feet after my extended battle with the norovirus last week. Just in time for the Women’s March on Washington this Saturday – yay!! Stay tuned for...
Post from the Sick Bed
Well, it's the second Thursday of January, and already I've hit a bump in the road with the goals I announced in last week's post--particularly the commitment to post a blog every...
Introducing Damselwings, LLC (And My 2017 Goals)!
Happy New Year! Big exhale. [Rest in that space after the period.] And now inhale, filling your lungs with energizing oxygen. We have another year to start out fresh! Yahoo!! This time a...
Mindful Holidays Report Card and My Motto for 2017
Several weeks ago I set my intentions for the holiday season. My goal was to stay as mindful and stress free as possible, sticking to my priorities and protecting time for activities that...
When You Can’t Meditate, Clean Up Instead
I never thought I’d be grateful for a head cold. This week I was sick enough to have to stay at home, sick enough to not do any creative work, and even sick enough to not be able to...
Thanksgiving Morning
Padding down the stairs quietly this morning and into my kitchen, not wanting to wake my sleeping family and houseguests, I feel the anticipation of Thanksgiving. In a few hours the...
Shifting Out of the Funk: The Science Behind Mindful Healing
I’m not going to lie. When I wrote A Mindful Equation for Post-Election Healing the night before the presidential election, I thought I was writing it for Trump supporters. Surprise! Time...
New Huffington Post Piece on Election Eve
Hi everyone -- It's just a few minutes before midnight on Monday, November 7th. Tomorrow is election day. Rather than repeating myself, I'll simply invite you to read my new piece on the...
#Octoberfocus Favorites and November Events
October threw me for a loop. The month started out fairly quietly, with my book promotion to support (it's never too late to donate directly!) and my 30-day #Octoberfocus...