Well, it's October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Instead of railing against the commercialism behind so much of the pink as I've done in the past, I'll do my part as a survivor to...
Never Too Old to Inspire: My 76-Year-Old Running Hero
Looking back at the past few Octobers of my life, this seems to be a month of particular inspiration for me. Two years ago I participated in my first Army Ten Miler (ATM) race at the...
Her Years Belie Her Wisdom: Kerri Lowe’s Got Gumption
Gumption. It's a word I hadn't used much in my personal discourse. It's a word I would have considered to be old fashioned, spoken only by old wrinkled men. I have no idea why. But...
Liz Gilbert’s Big Magic in Action: A Conjuring Story
I believe that creativity is a force of enchantment—not entirely human in its origins. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear I promised in last week's post that I...
My Transformative Weekend at Omega’s Women and Power Retreat: Being Bold
We are here to pay attention to where our inner light meets up with the outer world. ~ Elizabeth Lesser, Cofounder of the Omega Institute and Omega Women's Leadership Center I'm back from...
Greetings From The Omega Women’s Leadership Center…
Sometimes you just know when something's going to be life-changing. I'm writing this weekend from the Omega Women's Leadership Center, part of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in...
Making Room for Wealth — Easy Feng Shui Purse and Wallet Fixes
Take a good hard look at the photo above. That's the contents of my purse. Or it was the contents of my purse before I cleaned it out a few days ago. I've been carrying that crap around...
7 Reasons You Should Take Yourself on an Artist Date (Even if You Don’t Think You’re an Artist)
As an introvert, this summer's heavy dose of travel centered around big family events has left me deeply grateful for my extended family (in-laws included), but at the same time depleted...
Tis the Season for Baby Birds to Leave the Nest
Baby birds are leaving the nest everywhere I turn. My Facebook feed has been peppered the past couple of weeks with photos of friends' kids heading off to college, many for their freshman...
Waking Up to Blind Night Eating (Yes, That’s a Thing)
I'm writing today from the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, a quick stop en route to my niece's wedding this weekend. Mark and Jacob are watching a 3D big screen movie,...
Five Ways to Practice Mindfulness Without Sitting Down to Meditate
It's no secret that I'm a big fan of meditating to support my mindfulness practice. But let's be honest. It's not always easy to carve out the time. Kids, heavy workloads, and travel...
Mindful Summers: Are You In The Picture?
I'm posting quite late this week, but wanted to squeeze in a brief hello before the week is out. Having set the challenge for myself to post once a week this year, I've officially made it...