Welcome to the final edition of my July habit reboot series. If you're just dialing in, I've been writing all month about lessons I learned from Gretchen Rubin's Better Than Before:...
How I Lost Ten Pounds With No Calorie Counting
How are your eating habits? Are you one of those people who can have a chocolate bar lying around and just eat a little bit of it each day, maybe even just a few times a week? Or are you...
Butt-Kicking Habit Strategies: Gretchen Rubin’s Four Pillars of Habits
This month I'm implementing strategies from Gretchen Rubin's Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives to try to reboot my habits. Carefully chosen habits can help us...
First Step to Habit Formation: Ask Yourself, “How Am I Wired?”
For a happy life, it's important to cultivate an atmosphere of growth--the sense that we're learning new things, getting stronger, forging new relationships, making things better, helping...
Rebooting Habits: Devoting July to Becoming Better Than Before
Happy second half of the year! I don't know about you, but I think there's something about the midpoint of the year that lends itself to new starts. Most of us think about new starts in...
Pulling Myself Back to the Present Moment
My hands reek of citrusy chemicals after swabbing down the kitchen surfaces with Clorox wipes. I move to the stairway handrails and bathrooms, trying to eradicate germs while my boys...
Plant-Eating Puppies and the Art of Letting Go
I had had big plans for my garden this year. She had been so patient with me last year during my book writing and photo-a-day challenges. I was going to make it up to her this year. More...
Awkward: My First Blogging Conference
I made it through my first blogging conference, but just barely. A friend had suggested I attend BlogU, an annual bloggers conference in Baltimore, to help prepare me for marketing my book...
Half a Breath at a Time: How to Master Life Transitions
What a blessing to be able to write this week about managing positive transitions. Several milestones have occurred since my last post. I usually publish my weekly piece on Thursday or...
Puppies Sleeping Around and Other Silly Sources of Happiness
Rude awakening: I am not very playful anymore. I realized this during my Headspace.com guided meditation this week, while working my way through the "Happiness" pack. Having already...
“Your Startup Disk Is Full”: Technology as Mindfulness Teacher
When the universe invited me to step through a door marked "Real Photographer" several weeks ago, I answered simply, "Sure. Why not?" My friend and Master Gardener mentor Nancy had asked...
My Favorite Mindfulness Resources (so far)
Juggling continues this week, as packages arrive at my doorstep containing inventory for my first photography exhibit on May 31 at Vienna, Virginia's Historic Freeman Store, momentum on...