"My feeling is that any day I am too busy to run is a day that I am too busy." -- John Bryant Personal transformation is a jokester. It sneaks up and bites you on the butt when you least...
Why I Have (or Had) a Breast Cancer Inferiority Complex
When I posted my last piece, "Mastectomy Day", it wasn't on my radar screen that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. I had had another blog topic in mind, but was suddenly...
Mastectomy Day
Each year, roughly 50,000 breast cancer patients in the United States undergo mastectomy (total removal of the breast).* Revisiting the journals I kept at the time of my own breast...
Mindful Cooking Part 2: Eating An Everlasting Meal
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." -- Virginia Woolf When was the last time you made yourself a really great meal? Just for you. Not trying to...
Mindful Cooking Part 1: An Everlasting Meal
What does your refrigerator look like? I opened mine a few months ago and found something akin to a forgotten Smithsonian warehouse, a hodgepodge collection of moldy, shriveled leftovers. ...
How Synchronicity Killed the Monkey on My Back
"Give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting…snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be and enjoy being." -- Eckhart Tolle This quote...
Soccer Sideline Spirituality
My soccer chair swings on my shoulder, folded into its bag with the efficiency of a caterpillar in a chrysalis, as I walk toward the field. The chartreuse expanse of Bermuda grass...
Finding My Rhythm and Botoxing the Blog
I have been channeling Goldilocks since starting this blog a little over two months ago. I have tried out different approaches to frequency, experimented with how I try to engage readers,...
How Do You Tell People You Might Have Cancer?
Below is another excerpt from my book in progress, Feng Shui Animal House: Raking Sand in the Midst of the Chaos. It follows having the radiologist tell me that she was concerned about my...
Feng Shui Faucets and the Power of the Drip
"[The professional] will not tolerate disorder. He eliminates chaos from his world in order to banish it from his mind. He wants the carpet vacuumed and the threshold swept so the Muse...
Overcoming Resistance and Getting Back to Work
"Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work." Steven Pressfield, The War of Art The lake is perfectly still this morning, its glassy surface reflecting trees and...
End of Summer Breather
Dear readers, I will be back on a regular blogging schedule the first week of September. I was out of town with my family for several days this past week, making just one trip to the...