Mo Edjlali Facilitating Debate Between Mindfulness Movement Critics and Pioneers at the 2019 Mindful Leadership Summit Whether it’s around the Thanksgiving table with family or at social...
Join the #PracticeKindness Movement on November 13, World Kindness Day
“Nice matters.” This is what a friend said to me recently when I told her about the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) #PracticeKindness event I’m hosting on Wednesday, November 13. The reason I...
My Greatest Cancer Survival Tool
Originally posted on LinkedIn Yesterday I sat in a radiologist’s patient lounge, waiting for my mammogram results. One of the benefits of being a cancer survivor is that you get your...
The Positive Effects of Gardening
Recording day with "The Positive Brain" Podcast Hosts Peggy Breda and Toni Reinhart My garden was my first mindfulness mentor, but lately it's received less of my time as other purposeful...
Illustrated Musings on My Upcoming Silent Retreat
Silent Retreat = Deep Dive! In last week’s post, I promised to share some of my photos from our recent trip to Alaska. As I was sifting through the choices, the images got tangled up in...
From Rock Bottom to Better than Ever in a Week’s Time
They say, “It’s the journey, not the destination.” They say, “Trust the process.” But just when you think you’ve gotten the hang of going with the flow and maintaining a consistently...
Moving Into Art a la Carte: How a Gallery Became Part of My Purpose Work
How often have you questioned whether what brings you joy at a given juncture of your life is important enough? How often have you thought, “I’d really like to do more of that, but [fill...
Lotus and Water Lily Bouquet From Kenilworth
Broad Perspective There is the mud, and there is the lotus that grows out of the mud. We need the mud in order to make the lotus. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Lotus flowers hold deep symbolism in...
May Photo Challenge Report Part 3 (and Four-Leaf Clover Story)
In late May 2015, I met a young girl who made a deep impression on me for many reasons. I was standing next to my display at my very first art show at Vienna, Virginia’s historic Freeman...
May Photo Challenge Report Part 2
If you've ever participated in one of my mindfulness programs, you know that "the pause" is a powerful thing. Whether it's the pause between breaths during meditation or the pause between...
Meditation Motivation: Ten Personal Drivers
May continues to be a beautiful dance of photography and writing output stemming from #MarthasMayPhotoChallenge and the current session of the 30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge. A...
May Photo Challenge Report Part 1
Tulips on the Grounds of the Goodstone Inn, Middleburg, VA Greetings from the midst of a full and fulfilling month of May! Between the daily writing I do for the 30-Day Mindfulness...