by Martha Brettschneider | Feb 28, 2021 | Mindful Photography, Motivation, Photography
This will be short and sweet. I just wanted to send you a shot of color that my cold and muddy garden gifted me yesterday. Today it’s once again rainy, grey, and bone-chilling outside here in the Washington, DC, metro area. We want this all to be DONE —...
by Martha Brettschneider | Jan 31, 2021 | Mindfulness, Motivation
The thrill of life is not about who we are but about who we are in the process of becoming. Similarly, the magic of our brain lies not in its constituent elements but in the way those elements unceasingly reweave themselves to form a dynamic, electric, living...
by Martha Brettschneider | Oct 4, 2020 | Mindful Photography, Mindfulness, Motivation
Wow — a lot has happened in our world since my last blog post. Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. The presidential debate took place. Covid-19 has invaded the White House, its advisors, and top supporters. President Trump is in the hospital. And all of this in just the past...
by Martha Brettschneider | Apr 30, 2020 | Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivation
“What’s her secret?” Normally I only offer my 30-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge courses three or four times spread evenly over a year. In response to these unusual times, my third session of 2020 launches next Monday, May 4th. Despite the...
by Martha Brettschneider | Apr 11, 2020 | Blooming into Mindfulness, Life Lessons, Mindfulness, Motivation
The first three weeks of being home-bound felt embarrassingly nice. As an introvert with a home-based business that has something of value to offer during the covid-19 situation, my work felt (feels) more meaningful and fulfilling than ever. Cognizant of my privilege...
by Martha Brettschneider | Jan 12, 2020 | Blooming into Mindfulness, Life Lessons, Mindfulness, Motivation
One of the greatest sins is the unlived life, not to allow yourself to become chief executive of the project you call your life, to have a reverence always for the immensity that is inside of you.John O’Donohue, Walking in Wonder: Eternal Wisdom for a Modern World...