Sometimes the puzzle pieces of our lives fall into place with unusual clarity. In my own experience, this phenomenon is preceded by some sort of shake-up. I stepped off the grid for a...
New Year’s Eve Comfort Blanket
I've been inundated this week with emails from business owners sharing their end-of-year reflections. I'll bet you have too. Today, on this final day of 2021, my heart is whispering that...
Santa’s Gift
The more closely I pay attention, the more fully I recognize my own life in nature’s seasonal shifts. One of our town's holiday traditions is that Santa drives through our...
TODAY’s Art Show Details
"Big day today!" This was the excited whisper that fluttered up when my alarm went off this morning. In just a few hours (at 7 pm ET on December 2nd, to be exact!), my second annual...
SIY Adaptive Resilience Series
As we move through fall and towards the holiday season with the pandemic still woven into our daily experience, we could all use a booster shot of resilience. Am I right?That's why I'm so...
The Universe Laughing at Me on My Tiny Cabin Retreat
For the second year in a row, the pandemic interfered with my annual ritual of attending a formal silent retreat at a residential meditation center. Last year my substitute was holing up...
Inhaling Iceland Through My Camera Lens
There is always blue sky above the clouds. Four weeks have passed since we returned from Iceland. Many of you have been asking for photos. To be honest, I'm still processing the...
NEW Lotus Blossom Images
EMPOWERED Visiting the lotus ponds at Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens in Washington, DC, has become an annual pilgrimage for me. My hilly suburban plot in northern Virginia doesn't...
Cicadas as Mindfulness Teachers
In Hindu, an Upaguru is a teacher that is next to you at any given moment. This is not limited to a person.~ Mark Nepo, Seven Thousand Ways to Listen The Brood X periodical cicadas have...
A Not So Fresh Mothers Day Bouquet
Earlier this week I took a road trip to Longwood Gardens with my new photography mentor, Emily Carter Mitchell. Like any good teacher, Emily has been helping me lean into new ways of...
Listening, listening, listening. What do You want me to hear? Bird song? Mower at work at 7:42 am on a Saturday? My chest constricting with the story of that? The fan over the eggs boiling...
The Song of Endings and Beginnings
Out of such transparency of the human heart, things of value are created and we are created. Such openness requires two ongoing devotions: the risk to be, to slow to the pace of creation,...